Recognizing Narcissism

Get my free eBook to learn about narcissism, it's signs, what it sounds and feels like, as well as tips for self-care.

As a survivor and clinician I can share the knowledge and experience I've learned to help you break free.

I lived with narcissistic abuse for 28 years. Four years before I left, my marriage I started my PhD education in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. This is the study of personality development and the treatment of personality disorders. This is where I began to fully understand what I'd been living.

I'm currently completing my dissertation on narcissism and narcissistic abuse.

My life's work is to educate both survivors and those that support us on this type of abuse. All too often we are suffering in silence because people don't know what they don't know about narcissism.

I am excited to partner with you in healing. This is not psychotherapy. I am a psychotherapist but I cannot do that work in this space. I am here to educate and support you on your journey.

I highly recommend finding a therapist for your individual trauma work. I know it is difficult to find a therapist who understands the lived experience of narcissism. My sincere hope is to be that bridge of someone who understands both the lived experience and the clinical aspects of narcissism and narcissistic abuse.


I’ll teach you about narcissism and narcissistic abuse from a survivor and a professional's perspective.


My educational tools

Two paths to explore:

eBook on Learning About Narcissism

Membership Community for Education and Support

Healing is a journey

Healing begins with understanding what you're dealing with, how to respond, and ways to take care of yourself. Healing is a process. It isn't always fast, but it can happen for you.

Stay Tuned for more information

Registration for the I'm Finding My Voice live educational and support community coming soon!

I'm so excited to work with you!

Hi! I’m Kate a psychotherapist and narcissistic abuse expert and educator. I help people understand narcissism and narcissistic abuse so they can heal and move forward with a peaceful and joyful life.


Become a member!

Become a member to get  access to 2 live educational classes every month. Access the library of recorded classes as long as you are a member. The ability to ask me questions in 1 monthly live Q&A. That's 3 total live classes every month.


Quarterly Membership

$400/for 3 months

What you get!

  • 2 Live 45 minute classes every month with Kate. The final 15 minutes are for questions.
  • 1 Live 45 minute question and answer session every month with Kate.
  • Access to the recordings of previous live classes
  • Membership support message board including weekly self-care challenges.
  • Polyvagal informed techniques for emotional regulation.